
Organic vs. Non-Organic CBD Oil

When CBD oil comes to mind, you might think of marijuana, which is of course a plant. So when talking about non-organic and organic cbd oils, it may be a bit weird to think about a non-organic, organic compound. To completely understand the differences between organic and non-organic cbd oils, we must first understand what cbd oils are. CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the many compounds found in the marijuana or cannabis plant. Not to be confused with THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, CBD does not cause a “high,” and has little to no side effects. Now that we understand the basic idea of what cbd oil is, here are a few differences between organic and non-organic cbd oils. 

When it comes to certified organic cbd oil, it’s different from non-organic, since they’re held to much higher standards. Much like organic foods, you have to meet a bunch of certain criteria to be able to advertise yourself and be grouped as an “organic” product. 

Becoming a verified organic cbd oil can take a lot of work. For example, the land you grow your plant in must not have been contaminated by certain chemicals or pesticides for up to 3 years before you start growth there. It also means that you can’t use anything to boost your growth, and you must naturally till and maintain soil. Getting organic certified also means that you can’t have any sort of genetically modified products or seeds. This makes efficiency and being “organic” competitive areas for manufacturers and farmers. You basically have to decide which one you want, quality, or quantity. 

Many organic cbd oils still have preservatives or fillers in them, so it’s important to do your research on which company you want to use. For most people, non-organic cbd oil with preservatives will serve the purpose just fine. In fact, some genetic modifications may even make the cbd oil more effective. However, if you want the least affected, most organic oil you can get, you’ll have to do some shopping around, and investigate the different organic cbd oil manufacturers to see what they put in the packaging with the oil. 

All in all, there isn’t a crazy difference between organic and non-organic cbd oils. Bottom line is that organic cbd oils have been pure since growth. Starting on land untouched for a number of years, un-modified, naturally tilled and maintained soil, use of only organic pesticides and fertilizers, or none at all, and bottled with little to no preservatives, fillers, coloring, or other additives, all help to give you that nice “organic” label you see on the bottle. Non-organic cbd oils can mean that the plants are grown under pretty much any circumstance, so long as it’s safe, and are more efficiently produced, and in larger quantities, although they may lack quality. At the end of the day, USDA organic cbd oil will get you a more pure substance, and peace of mind that the product you’re buying is safe from harmful chemicals, such as dangerous pesticides, or preservatives.